Why we need use 4g enterprise router?
What advantages does 4G enterprise router owns? What benefits can 4g enterprise
router bring to our life and M2M applications?
We will look into some of cases that 4G enterprise router might be good
solutions. We will also highlight some of the potential shortcomings of a 4G router
for certain applications. Overall, we would like to dive deep into the aspects
that matter when choosing a 4G router. Now let’s begin:
With all these base level factors in mind, let’s investigate what
factors and features you should consider in a 4G router:
1) Which affect you choose a 4g router?
This is perhaps the most important factor in determining the features
you need to look for in a 4G sim card router: how will you be using the 4G
router? Is this for a retail store as a backup on an existing primary wired
connection (imagine the backup Internet for a POS register)? Is the 4G router
going to be used in a specialty vehicle (imagine a police car with surveillance
If you are considering using a 4G router as a primary Internet
connection for every day usage in a residential environment, you are probably a
year or two early as the cost of the data has still not gotten to levels where
you can replace your wired Internet line with a 4G router. A 4G router should
be considered only when you have no other wired Internet options in your
house. For this type of simple setups, a 4G router that can house a single
wired WAN and a single 4G connection will be a good choice. We recommend 4G
router with built-in modems so that you can use an external antenna for best
2) What type of environment will the 4G
sim card router be used in?
It is important to have ruggedized 4G router in case you will be using
the device in harsh environments. Certain environments may even require their
specific certifications, such as installation in trains where certification for
train installations is a must have for your 4G router both for performance
against temperature range, vibration tolerance etc, as well as for safety
3) Will your 4G router be your
primary or failover connection?
IF your 4G router is going to be carrying your traffic all the time,
i.e. will be your primary means of Internet connectivity for your office,
specialty vehicle or similar, then we highly recommend 4G routers with more
than 2 cellular 4G connections. Going back to our high-way analogy, this will
mean a larger capacity highway to carry more cars with ease. For failover only
scenarios, where the 4G connections need to keep the connectivity alive for
only limited time, having only 2 connections might be enough. We still caution
against a single 4G failover for the following reason.
4) Do you have an industrial case that
needs the 4G router?
Before choose a 4g router, first you need consider that whether you have
a industrial case in need of 4g router, such as a backup connectivity for a
branch office, or as a primary connectivity for a mobile or temporary office,
then your 4G router needs to support some advanced features including firewall,
broadband bonding and application centric optimizations. Ideally, you can have
the 4G router capability within your primary router. In this setup your wired
line can failover on to a bonded set of 4G connections. Bonding 2 or more 4G
wireless connections will provide not only a wider bandwidth and higher
throughput, but will also provide self-healing capabilities for the traffic
going over 4G networks. Think of it as adding another lane onto your high-way.
Compared to a single lane high-way, a 2 lane high-way will always outperform.
Broadband Bonding feature will give your cars driving on that highway to
dynamically switch lanes, so to speak and therefore shielding network problems,
fluctuations and outages from your applications. This naturally brings up our
next aspect to consider.
5) Which brand 4g enterprise router
will be good choice?
There are so many kinds of 4g enterprise routers in the market. There
will be many good choices for you, but I suggest you consider E-Lins Technology
as one choice. And E-Lins will show you many excellent 4g sim card routers.
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